January 18, 2020
Saturday at 2:00pm
Guest Speaker: Rev. Thomas Ates
Here at the S.A.F.E. Church we care about the struggles that life throws your way. We have proclaimed to be a strong tower in those times of despair, where you can come and find peace, joy, and happiness. We welcome ALL people into our fellowship, and would love to have you join us in celebrating joyously the overcoming power of God that changes the bad times into good times.
We rejoice with all our hearts, mind, and soul to the One True God. We sing hymns from a hymnal, we worship together openly, we pray unto God aloud with lifting of our hands in praise to the King of Kings. We attend church this way because the Bible instructs us to “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.” That is found in Psalms 100:4, for other scriptures involving the actions of Gods people you may read this scriptures. Ephesians 5:19, Psalms 134:2, Acts 4:24
We are working at becoming the church that will minister to all kinds of needs within our community. We hope to be able to reach out with the Word of God (KJV BIBLE) and offer salvation to the hurting and destitute, along with those that are just seeking to further their walk with The Lord. We believe that all may come unto to Jesus and discover what he has for them. For we all have a purpose unto God, and we want to help you find that purpose. If you are interested in finding God to be true and alive, then come and worship with us and find what you desire.